PRE-SALE! With Animal by Carol Guess & Kelly Magee


WITH ANIMAL, a collaborative short story collection I wrote with Carol Guess, is now available for pre-order from Black Lawrence Press’ website! Check out this beautiful cover, with artwork from Todd Horton.


Hybrid twins: one human, one horse. A man pregnant with a kangaroo, a woman raising a baby dragon. A twenty-first century Virgin Mary reimagined as a queer single mother giving birth in a petting zoo. In this collaborative short story collection, Carol Guess and Kelly Magee magically and playfully subvert assumptions about gender, sexuality, parenting, and family. These lyrical fictions bare teeth and spare no claw. They’ll leave you questioning the lines between human and animal, parent and child, love and dominion.



PRE-SALE! With Animal by Carol Guess & Kelly Magee.